Sheila did an excellent job maintaining weekly deadlines for course content. Each course included eight 10-12 page written lectures, eight Glossaries, eight Reference lists, approximately 24 Internet Resources, eight reading assignments, eight discussion forums, eight graded assignments, 80 quiz questions, and a comprehensive assignment. Additionally, Sheila was responsible for all assignment and forum answer keys or rubrics, which comprised of approximately 24 assessment pieces. Sheila incorporated some useful media images and graphs to benefit each lesson. Each lesson had a weekly due date with course completion of eight weeks. Sheila dutifully kept on target for all weekly deadlines. She has excellent written and verbal communication skills, is extremely organized, can work independently, and is able to follow through to ensure that the job gets done.
Mimi O’Malley, MSLS, Professional Development Administrator, The Learning House, Inc.
Sheila’s work has been exemplary, showing dedication to the work, good attention to detail, and timely completion. She excels at delivering exactly what you’ve asked for, with a little extra effort you weren’t expecting. She does excellent work, is clearly knowledgeable in her field, and (perhaps most important) always delivers her work on time – in fact, often ahead of schedule.
Doyce Testerman, ALTA Colleges - Westwood, Academic Affairs
Sheila’s consistent contribution to Kaplan University School of Health Sciences has been instrumental in our continued growth. Sheila is an intelligent and motivated individual. She is more than capable of managing her classrooms. As part of her responsibilities, Sheila conducts synchronous seminars on a weekly basis. She is timely in getting all necessary work completed and perceptive when it comes to spotting potential issues within the classroom.
Wendyanne Jex, Senior Chair, Department Chair: AASMOM, AASMT, BSHCA, Kaplan University School of Health Sciences
Sheila has demonstrated an unusually high level of ability to analyze users, perform a task analysis, work with subject-matter experts, write using steps and actions, use illustrations, lay out a user’s manual, write online help and tutorials, choose a reader-friendly format, write a quick-reference guide, perform usability testing, develop a features guide, develop and follow a style sheet, edit, proofread, and publish the completed manual. Her ability to create computer-user support materials is far above average.
R. Craig Hogan, Ph.D., Director, The Business Writing Center